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Sessions and Fees

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Tiny Tots

0 - 3 years

Village Hall, Main Street

Mondays & Fridays: 10.00am to 11.30am

Tiny Tots is a drop in session for parents/carers to stay and play with their 0-3 year olds.  It is held in Bishopthorpe Village hall and is run by fully trained, professional, staff from Bishopthorpe Playgroup, We offer a wide variety of age-appropriate toys and activities to encourage children with their development, and to promote essential social interaction.

We offer tea and coffee for the adults, a communal snack time for the children, and a singing circle at the end for everyone!

Costs are: £5 for children 12 months and over, £3 for children under 12 months and £2 for each additional child over 12 months


For more information about our Tiny Tots sessions, please contact Carol on 07926 573100 0r

Mainstream Playgroup

3 – 5 years

The Pavilion



Our sessions run during term time.


Mondays:       9.00am to *12.00pm  &  12.00pm to 3.00pm

Tuesdays:       9.00am to *12.00pm  &  12.00pm to 3.00pm


Wednesdays:  9.00am to *12.00pm  &  12.00pm to 3.00pm                  

Thursdays:      9.00am to *12.00pm  &  12.00pm to 3.00pm  


Fridays:           9.00am to *12.00pm  &  12.00pm to 3.00pm

*Morning Sessions can be extended to 12.30pm to include lunch club. (When available)



We offer places for up to 24 children in each of our mainstream sessions. The children follow a play-based learning environment and we also liaise closely with the Bishopthorpe Infant School to ensure a smooth transition between Playgroup and school.


Session times and costs:

All children qualify for 3 & 4 year old Universal funding the term after their third birthday, giving you 15 hours per week free funded hours.


You may be eligible for an additional 15 hours, giving you 30 hours of funded childcare for 38 weeks a year. To apply for 30 hours funding register with the HMRC -


Any childcare hours used over and above the 15/30 hours entitlement are chargeable.

9.00am to 12.00pm  -  £16.50

9.00am to 12.30pm  -  £19.25  (includes lunch club 12.00 to 12.30)
pm to 3.00pm  -  £16.50

9.00am to 3.00pm    -  £33.00


“My child absolutely loves it at Playgroup. I think the trips he has been able to go on are excellent and it is great staff are able to spend time organising these.


                                                              Parent Quote

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