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Bishopthorpe Preschool Playgroup is a small community based playgroup which was established over 56 years ago.  Our home is the Sports Pavilion, located 3 miles south of York in the leafy village of Bishopthorpe. Surrounded by greenery, we have a fantastic outdoor area comprising of a playground, woodland area and Forest School site. We also have use of the sports field too! We operate a free flow policy so the children are free to explore both indoors or outside. Our indoor space is arranged in provision areas with resources that reflect the interests of the children. We welcome all prospective families to come and have a look around so you can see what we have to offer.


We are a registered charity (number 1159473) and are also registered with Ofsted (EY551096). Our last Ofsted inspection was in December 2021, we were delighted to achieve the best possible result of 'Outstanding in all areas'. You can read the report here.

We welcome up to 24 children from the age of 3 years to each of our sessions, which are led by a team of caring, dedicated and highly trained staff. The management of our Playgroup is via a committee of parents who are trustees of the charity and who volunteer their time to ensure that the Playgroup continues to run successfully.


Our staff and committee work closely as a team to ensure that all children and their families are happy and comfortable in the setting.  Further information on what we offer can be found in our prospectus


If you would like to register your child to attend our Playgroup, you can download a registration form here

Registered Charity: 1159473





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Bishopthorpe Preschool Playgroup,

The Pavilion, Ferry Lane, Bishopthorpe, York, YO23 2SB.

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